Jun 18,2021

[Results Announcement] Architectural Design Idea Competition for SDG Eco-Village Transitional Housing


Results of the Competition:
[Jury Report and Comments]

First Prize: Team 160959 led by HUNG Kam Fai  (click for larger image)

Second Prize: Team 760830 led by LAM Lai Shun 

Third Prize: Team 648717 led by TANG Yiu Lun Jason

Commendation Entries
 [in the order of confidential registration number]
Team 138859 led by LAW Fat Lai James

Team 264416 led by LAU Hiu Yeung Karlo

Team 536238 led by CHEUNG Kwok Lun Alan

Team 823571 led by IP Chung Man


Please click here to download the registration form.

Please submit the registration form and enquiry by email to sdgevcompetition@hkpgbc.org.

AutoCAD file of the site will be provided to the participants upon satisfactorily completion of registration.

Reply to Enquiries (latest updates on 19 Feb 2021)
Site Plan