[PGBC Supporting Event] HKIA CPD Seminar: Overview of Eco-label Schemes for the Building Industry in the Greater Bay Area (GBA)Aug 14, 2024 [PGBC Supporting Event] HKIA CPD Seminar: Overview of Eco-label Schemes for the Building Industry in the Greater Bay Area (GBA)846475728489.20240814_HKIA_Webinar_Ecolabelschemes.pdfDownload PDF • 1.90MB
[PGBC Supporting Event] HKIA CPD Seminar: Overview of Eco-label Schemes for the Building Industry in the Greater Bay Area (GBA)846475728489.20240814_HKIA_Webinar_Ecolabelschemes.pdfDownload PDF • 1.90MB
HKILA and IFLA APR - International Climate and Biodiversity Conference : Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in Action